Rainshade Marjo Great Spirit

Rainshade Marjo Great Spirit



Eaglehill’s Wings of Paradice


Mar-Jo’s Call Me Cotton

Exported to Switzerland

Rainshade Marjo Great Spirit was introduced into our breeding program in 1990 to allow us to incorporate the white-factor gene and add additional elegance to our line. This beautiful white Collie with the tricolor head played an important role in our breeding program and all of our white-factored Collies trace their pedigrees back to him.

Moonbeam holds the distinction of siring the first Collie litter ever produced from frozen semen. This litter was produced in Australia, after Moonbeam was exported to Switzerland.

Rainshade Marjo Great Spirit is the sire of many prominent Rainshade Collies and his photographs on this website, taken by Dr. Sharon Vanderlip when Moonbeam was ten months old, appear in many books about Collies.

Certified normal-eyed (CERF CO-595-90-15).

Notable Descendants

Rainshade Soul on Ice
Rainshade Blizzard of Awes: exported to Baffin Islands
Rainshade Razzmatazz
Rainshade Significant Moment: exported to Germany


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