Kingsmark Out of the Blue at Rainshade
*Loki was conceived from frozen semen
When it comes to intelligence, put Loki near the very top of the list! This magical dog earned numerous titles and awards. He was dedicated, loyal, devoted, a very hard worker, and also an amazing service dog. Loki captivated everyone with his charm, talents, and outgoing personality. His sweet disposition and gentle nature won him friends everywhere. Loki was loved and spoiled by Mary Franden in Northern California all of his very long and very happy life.
Certified normal-eyed.
Notable Relatives
Rainshade Blizzard of Awes (exported to the Baffin Islands)
Rainshade Gamut Warning
Rainshade Continental Drift (exported to Australia)
Rainshade Razzmatazz
For Loki’s pedigree, see the pedigree of his full brother, Rainshade Blizzard of Awes.