Rainshade the Brass Ring

Rainshade the Brass Ring



Rainshade Chain Reaction


Rainshade Sans Souci (exported to Australia)

Exported to Germany

Rainshade the Brass Ring was born in California before his mother was exported to Australia. He was a playful, mischievous, bold puppy. When he was just a youngster, a Collie judge from Germany visited us and was smitten with him and insisted on taking him home. Maybe it was his happy, outgoing personality. Maybe it was his beautiful sable color and white-factor markings. It was no doubt a combination of many things. In any case, Brass ended up living in Germany. But before he left, his new owner also decided to purchase Rainshade Blue Spotlight as well, so Brass was in good company on his flight to Germany!

WM_Brass Ring & white sister

Brass is certified normal-eyed.

Notable Relatives

International Champion Ringleader Blue of Rainshade (exported to Switzerland)
Rainshade Alice Blue Gown
Rainshade Standing Ovation, CD
Rainshade Renaissance

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